1-Day in Hida Furukawa
Route Overview
- Suggested Time
- 1 day
- Transport
- By Foot
1. Hida Furukawa Festival Exhibition Hall

At this museum in central Hida Furukawa, learn about Hida's most famous festival, enjoy a 4K video presentation and interact with some of the hands-on experiences.

Furukawa Festival is a registered UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage thanks to its spectacular floats and drums that go on parade during the festival. For...
4 minute walk south across Festival Square (Get directions)
2. Town Walk

Stroll around and soak up the old town atmosphere. From the white-walled storehouses lining the Seto Canal at Shirakabe Dozogai Street, or the many small, traditional shops lining the streets — like Mishima's Japanese Candleshop. Open yourself to serendipity and see what charming discoveries await.

Hida Furukawa's Shirakabe Dozogai Street is a charming and non-commercial heritage site which reflects, perfectly, the culture and history of the...

The Mishima Japanese Candleshop has been in business for over 240 years and is run by its current seventh-generation owner, Junji Mishima, who runs it...
1 minute walk south of the Shirakabe Dozogai area — it's the next street. (Get directions)
3. Watanabe Sake Brewery

Get to know one of Hida's most beloved sake producers — either drop by the shop, or you can enjoy a free sake tour lasting about 30 minutes which ends with a tasting (advance booking required)

Surrounded by dramatic mountain ranges and blessed with a supply of some of the purest water in Japan, Watanabe Sake Brewery (established in 1870) is...
2 minute walk (Get directions)
4. FabCafe Hida

Try your hand at local crafts by joining a workshop at Hida's FabCafe. Try from a range of items like Japanese stamp, chopsticks or a photo block which can be UV-printed with a favorite photo.

The FabCafe digital creative cafe concept first arrived back in 2012 when its inaugural branch opened in Tokyo’s Shibuya. It revolutionised what to...
3 minute walk to the Satoyama Experience office, where tours depart (Get directions)
5. Satoyama Experience Cycling

If the sun is out, why not consider a cycling tour of the Hida Furakawa area with the chance to get outside the city center and discover local villages and rice fields. More info
2 minute walk south along Ninomachi Street to reach Inohiro's. (Get directions)
6. Inohiro Confectionery Store

At the end of the day, drop by here to taste the famous Miso wheat crackers on offer.

Inohiro, established in 1908, is known for its Miso wheat crackers (Miso Senbei) baked in a traditional style that is largely unchanged since its inception. The...
2 minute walk south along Ninomachi Street to reach Hidamori no Megumi (Get directions)
7. Hidamori no Megumi

Try tea ceremony at this unique herbal store.

Hida Furukawa has a long-standing reputation as a hub for medicinal herbs. Perhaps it's the fact that the Hida area is surrounded by mountains and...

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