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A Hub for Medicinal Herbs

A Hub for Medicinal Herbs

Located in a cozy and beautiful structure not so far from Hida-Furukawa Station is Hida Mori no Megumi, a medicinal herb, arts and crafts space and event/workshop space. Knowledgeable and passionate staff are on hand to show you the ropes and navigate the world of herbs which is something Hida has a profound relationship with due to its intrinsic connection with the local environment — over 90 percent of Hida is covered with forests. There are over 245 varieties of medicinal herbs which inhabit this area of Gifu Prefecture and the local people have taken great advantage of this fact.

A Hub for Medicinal Herbs

With events and an ongoing series of workshops such as making shichimi (a mixture of medicinal herbs and spices) and other arts and craft activities, Hida Mori no Megumi has become a hub for herb enthusiasts.

A Hub for Medicinal Herbs

One of the most popular workshops is "Tea Ceremony" which isn't to be connected with traditional Japanese tea ceremony which is closely linked with Zen Buddhism. Hida Mori no Megumi's tea ceremony is a contemporary and culturally refreshing practice of combining medicinal herbs to create unique blends which are said to alleviate certain ailments as well as generally pepping up your constitution. 

The helpful staff distribute a list of 12 herbs (with brief explanations about their individual benefits) allowing you to create your own blends,  with each person choosing up to four (two teas with a mixture of two herbs in each cup). It's a curious and intriguing experience and the teas taste revitalizing with an immediate effect on your mood and general well-being. These caffeine-free herbs have great benefits for the body and mind and they are even available to purchase from the store.

A Hub for Medicinal Herbs

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